The Shabbat module is a technology solution for Orthodox Jews who need to use an electronic appliance on Shabbat[1]. The module usually overrides the usual, everyday operation of the electrical appliance and makes the operation of the appliance comply with the halachic rules of the Torah. The Shabbat module is required in a few fields and sectors:
The Shabbat modules used by the general public usually make the electrical device work automatically without any human intervention and disable any kind of sensor or switch that is prohibited to use on Shabbat. The solution for medical and security appliances sometimes meet the halachic requirements that are biblically mandated (D'Oraita), but not the halachic requirements that are rabbinically mandated (D'rabbanan). Therefore the Shabbat module in these cases is intended only for the individuals working in security or for medical/handicap needs. In a life threatening situation (Pikuach nefesh) there is no need for the Shabbat module as such a situation overrides the Shabbat and almost any other mitzvah.[4]